Friday, 29 July 2011


Peru is a BIG place for a small bear, and so he has a lot of homework to do to plan his trip. But he is a friendly bear, and his DRAMA classes have taught him how to speak up, smile, express himself clearly and to be open to all sorts of adventures -  so he knows this is going to be GOOD.
He is now going to sleep  - because bears are good at that , too - but just for the weekend, so that he will be all bright eyed for starting his trip on Monday.
Don't forget to follow his blog!

Thursday, 28 July 2011


We all love holidays we hope you are enjoying yours - and our wee furry mascot is preparing a DRAMATIC holiday to Peru - from Scotland ...
right across to the other side of the world in Peru (which is in South America).
Baby Grady Bear is very excited and wonders whether he will find any furry friends...or dramatic friends. Follow his blog as he is leaving on 1st August  - share his adventures!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Our wee furry mascot is off on his travels!
You may have spotted Baby Grady Bear in class now and again - he is a very keen member of the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy and often pops in to see what you wonderful students are getting up to.
Well - he is getting up to something pretty special himself next month, as he prepares to visit darkest Peru.
Another famous bear, wearing a large hat and a duffle coat, was once found on Paddington station. He had arrived from darkest Peru with some marmalade sandwiches and a note saying "Please look after this bear".
Baby Grady Bear thinks that Peru might be just the place for a little bear to have adventures. Follow his blog every day HERE from 1st August.
Good luck, little bear!

Monday, 4 July 2011


Well done everyone for some amazing performances this year - what a wonderful crowd of naughty children, pirates, medieval peasantry and circus performers we had last weekend! Without exception, you all created such lively, energetic and exciting plays - and you were all so colourful! The voices were clear, the acting inventive and the singing was so good that the audience could be heard humming away as they as they left the Hall!
What stars you all are!
And as for our Youth Theatres...with all the hissing, booing and cheering that came from the audience, our fantastic melodramas were absolute hits...which is, we hope, what Lord Villiers avoided from Matilda Goodheart's rolling pin!
And the Kinross group's football fans raised our spirits, our enthusiasm, our encouragement and our excitement ...right up to the final blackout! (OK, so who won the match?)

You were all winners! Take a bow, take a holiday---and see you back again in August!